スイス留学なら実績のFES 幼稚園・小学生・中学生・高校生



3月1日ー3日にガレン校のディレクターMr.Mean、運営に携わっている、Mr.Filatovが来日し、プライベートカウンセリングを行いました。札幌・東京で開催され、沢山の方々にお越し頂きました。 ガレン校は元々低年齢専門の学校でしたが、生徒達・保護者様から多数のリクエストを受け、来年以降より高校卒業資格(IB含む)の取得が可能となります。現在は5歳からー15歳までの生徒達を受け入れしています。サマーキャンプはお申込開始後、すぐに定員がいっぱいになるほど人気な学校です。 ガレン校のキャンプ・正規留学にご興味のある方はFESまでお問い合わせください。 カウンセリングの様子を是非ご覧下さい。




FES consultants, Ms. Kono and Ms. Gokita, have had private consultations with our prospective families together with Mr. Gregory Mean (Director of La Garenne International School) and Mr. Alexey Filatov (Director of Finance and IT) during their visit in Hokkaido and in Tokyo, Japan. La Garenne is accepting children ages 5-15 years old (Reception to Year 10) from across the globe and is located in a very safe and warm environment with a family atmosphere. The school offers bilingual English-French academic approach, following a British Curriculum from Reception to Year 9. Due to a lot of requests from students and parents, La Garenne has been continuously working on how to improve their school academically and how to provide further opportunities for their students. We are pleased to share with you that this September 2019, the school will be welcoming their first batch of Year 10 students. They are also planning to extend their offer to higher levels in the coming years. La Garenne offers summer camps as well, with six (6) sessions [minimum stay of two (2) weeks], which is very popular. Should you be interested with La Garenne’s Academic Year programme and/or Summer Camps, please contact FES.





